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Welcome to the Magical World of Grimm & Co

Submitted by waudbypeter@ho… on 17 July 2024

On 18th June Year 5 Children from Coleridge Primary School experienced Story-Making at Grimm & Co. Rotarian Trish Lister had the privilege of joining them and watching the elves weave their magic. Even children who were a little reluctant to join in initially became enthralled as characters were devised, settings created, and the plot developed.

The former Talbot Lane Church took four years to convert and it is heartening to think that it now supports today’s children to move away from the screen and take pride in their creations.

Grimm & Co are experienced in encouraging young people to be creative and this was cleverly achieved by whole group activities, small groups lead by Mentors and finally each child had an opportunity to write their own ending to the story. It was fascinating to see imaginations run riot and the creation of the weirdest of creatures. Everyone received a bound copy of their story to take home, beautifully illustrated by two Artists–in-Residence. The books will no doubt be cherished for many years to come.

Trish concludes "I hope Rotherham Sitwell Rotary can be proud of sponsoring such a unique experience for many children who face quite a challenging envi