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News From Start-a-Heart 24/7

News From Start-a-Heart 24/7

Submitted by Anonymous on 23 April 2018

Start-a-Heart count themselves very fortunate to be one of the charities supported by Rotherham Sitwell Rotary Club and are grateful not only for their financial support but also for their help at fund raising events, particularly the annual Family Fun Day at Woodlaithes Village and the Magna Ultimate Quiz Parties.
The charity helps communities acquire 24-hour accessible defibrillators in external safe cabinets. The striking green cabinets can be seen in many areas of Rotherham and there are well over 30 in various other parts of Yorkshire. Over the last three years the charity has been able to donate the £900 stainless steel cabinets free of charge to locations within the Rotherham Borough. In August 2016 they celebrated their 50th installation with a cabinet in All Saints’ Square, right in the heart of the town. Shortly they will be announcing their 100th installation at an equally prestigious location.
There have been numerous occasions when the defibrillators have either been used or accessed as a standby when someone has been taken ill. The charity are always particularly thrilled when they receive reports that a life has been saved. They are also keen to reassure people about the use of this life saving equipment through talks and visits to communities.
The message is always loud and clear even if there is a defibrillator on hand -
If someone collapses you must IMMEDIATELY RING 999